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6 tips to get a maid cheaper

We love the urban jungle style and hope to help you create your own jungle at home with our tips and tricks. We've put our heads together and compiled a list of the best places to find treasures for little money. Roommates everyone!

1. Exchange of plants

Have you heard of plant exchange or swap? If you have a maid at home that you don't like, or you don't have suitable conditions for her, try to exchange her with someone else. It is quite possible that you will come across someone who has the same problem, but who would be able to give your plant the right home. Don't have a plant to exchange? Try to agree on an exchange, for example for chocolate or wine. Try the plant exchange groups on Facebook. For example GREEN SWAP.

Our Ficus elastica exchanged for 2 little monsters.

  1. Facebook Marketplace

Try going through the Marketplace once a week and entering your desired plant into the search. It often happened to me that I found the right one right there. Contact the seller and if the price seems too high to you, try to negotiate a discount. The seller wants to get rid of the plant quickly and you want to buy it quickly and have it at home. So why not compromise?

Rhapidophora tetrasperma after a negotiated discount.

  1. Bazaars

You can find many interesting things in online bazaars. From old furniture, books to animals. But you can also find indoor plants there. Online bazaars are often used by older people who don't have Facebook, so you can find all kinds of treasures there. For example, for a 50-year-old monster.

Oxalis and other plants for a pittance from an elderly lady who was moving away.

  1. Friends and family

Grandmas and grandpas, the ones you've always seen maids at, but didn't care about when you were little. They are the ones who have houses full of huge plants that have grown over their heads over the years. See if they want to get rid of their giant maids in exchange for a smaller plant that won't get in the way.

A long-standing climbing frame of several meters from Tomáš's mother.

  1. Old office buildings and offices

Do you remember gloomy office corridors decorated only with sad-looking plants? Nobody cares about a lot of them. You can politely ask them if they would like to give you a maid, or ask them for a steak. Never cut plants yourself without permission!

This monster is from an older office space. No one cared much for her, so it was no problem for us to make a few schnitzels out of her.

  1. Give me a maid

Because we love maids and low prices, we always try to keep them as low to the ground as possible. In addition, we transplant the flowers ourselves into the substrate mixed by us and take care of them with love until they travel to your home.

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