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Green leaves

Sametové krásky Anthurie
Sametové krásky s tmavými listy, to jsou Anthurie. Podobně jako mnoho dalších rostlin z čeledi áronovitých (Araceae), pocházejí z tropických deštný...
Riasokoule - izbovka žijúca vo vode
Máte pocit, že sa s rastlinami nemôžete maznať? Riasokoule vás presvedčia o opaku! Táto neobvyklá a fascinujúca rastlina sa priamo ponúka na to, ab...
Aglaonema, a grateful maid for beginners
The genus Aglaonema includes more than 50 species of plants and is also known as "Sleeping Virgin" or Chinese evergreen plant. It is a popular ...
Rýmovník - prírodný pomocník vo vašom domove
V dnešnej dobe, keď sa ľudia stále viac obracajú k prírodným metódam liečby a prevencie, si rýmovník právom získava pozornosť. naozaj každý. Rýmov...
Kokedama as living art
The name kokedama is derived from the Japanese words Koke = moss and Tama = ball. Instead of growing the plant in a pot, we grow it in a round ba...
Mourning or do you have black flies at home?
Small but very annoying black flies flying out of flowerpots are among the most common pests of indoor plants and the most frequent disturbers of p...
Philodendrons, darlings not only of collectors
Philodendrons (sometimes you will also come across the Czech name philodendron) is a very numerous group of plants, which includes the most dive...
Variegated "variegated" indoor plants
Everything you need to know about pandering It is not new that plants contain the pigment chlorophyll , thanks to which they not only get their...

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